While studying for finals during my MS, I set-up a wiki so people in my program could share notes – I was the only one to participate in this collaborative effort. Here are my notes.
- Actor Network Theory
- Ananda Mitra
- Andrew Feenberg
- Annette Markham
- Anthony Giddens
- Arjun Appadurai
- A Brief History of the Internet
- A Brief History of the PC
- A Brief History of Radio
- A Brief History of the Telephone
- Center Periphery Model
- Charles Peirce
- Communications for Social Change
- Cultural Imperialism
- Dan Schiller
- Denotation and Connotation
- Dependency Theory
- Development Communications
- Design/Domestication Interface
- Diffusion of Innovations
- Domestication Theory
- Education Entertainment
- Encoding-Decoding
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Frederic Jameson
- Global Political Economy
- Harold Innis
- Herbert Schiller
- Jean Baudrillard
- John Tomlinson
- Manuel Castells
- Marshall McLuhan
- Mass Society Theory
- Media and Globalization
- Media Development
- Mediation
- Modernity
- Neorealism
- Network Society
- Oliver Boyd-Barrett
- Political Economy of Communications
- Political Economy of Search Engines
- Politics of Representation
- Postmodernism
- Saskia Sassen
- Shaping of Technologies
- Sociability and the Internet
- Social Capital and the Internet
- Social Construction of Technology
- Social Marketing
- Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
- Time-Space