Blog Column

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Why fox and o’reilly aren’t the most trusted news sources

by Jiyan • August 23, 2012

A recent poll from Boston’s Suffolk University has been receiving a lot of press over the past few months.  According to Paul Bedard from US News, “Fox News Channel and mouthy Bill O’Reilly, is now the most trusted source – by a mile.”   Bedard referenced a national poll conducted by Suffolk University, which explored a […]

Getting started with semantic SEO

by jiyanwei • August 21, 2012

Originally published in Search Engine Watch (August 2012)  When search engines begin making fundamental platform changes, a somewhat consistent causal chain ensues: The first phase: This is normally marked by experimentation and discourse as innovators and professionals with vested interest dabble in the space and discuss their findings (in places like Search Engine Watch). The […]

Semantic search

by jiyanwei • July 17, 2012

Originally published in Search Engine Watch (July 2012) Earlier this year, the Wall Street Journal shed light on Google’s plans to add depth to the search experience –foreshadowing the arrival of the Knowledge Graph. According to Amit Singhal, a top Google search executive, the goal is to make the search experience comparable to, “how humans […]

Google, Big Data & what it means for SEO

by jiyanwei • May 8, 2012

Originally published on Search Engine Watch (May 2012) In Google’s recent earnings call, the question was posed, “If you think of the future of Internet search 3 or 4 years out, how important will the social signal be and how important (will) personalization be?” CEO Larry Page responded by explaining how he might search for […]